On any given day, you may see between 10 and 100 disabled patients. Having been the victims of stroke or injury, these individuals depend on mobile physical therapy clinics such as yours to ensure that they get the exercise, message and/or therapy that they need to recover from or live with their injury. Having a self-contained, mobile physical therapy unit is key to your ability to provide assistance to remote patients and more importantly, their health.
Building a vehicle for on-site sports injury treatment? Now, you can treat sports-related injuries immediately, delivering the kind of care that one might otherwise only get after traveling to an emergency room or orthopedics clinic.
Discuss your next custom vehicle with the design and remodeling experts at Matthews Specialty. Our team of engineers and designers will work with you to equip your mobile physical therapy van or truck with state-of-the-art mechanical traction equipment, neuromuscular and electrical stimulators, and any medical equipment you deem necessary. We’ll work tirelessly to accomplish your end goal of creating the ideal mobile therapy van.
Building Your Physical Therapy Truck
We’ll find a chassis that works best for your needs, remove seats, add electrical outlets, install storage cabinets and carpet and deliver an extensively remodeled vehicle to your specifications. We’ll deliver a vehicle that is fully equipped so that you can bring your physical therapy truck or van to remote, underserved populations, sports facilities or first responder/accident scenes.
Creating Your Mobile Therapy Van with Matthews Specialty Vehicles
Matthews Specialty Vehicles has been a specialty vehicle manufacturer since 1992. We build custom-made vehicles for a variety of applications including mobile medical units, first responder, and riot trucks just to name a few. Stop by our shop in Greensboro NC and let’s discuss the type of mobile physical therapy vehicle that you need to get the job done. Our team with work with you to create a specific plan based on your requirements and budget.